30 December 2013
Although the Town Planning Board saw the merit of a public marina in Pak Shek Kok, the application was rejected in the absence of a Government bureau providing policy support. The minutes can be downloaded here.
Fortunately, the policy on supply of supporting facilities for the berthing of vessels is now the subject of a study to be overseen by the Marine Department and the Transport and Housing Bureau.
For more information on the “Review on Berthing and Sheltered Space for Local Vessels in Hong Kong”:
就「香港的本地船隻停泊處及避風泊位檢討」,請參閱 http://www.hfc.org.hk/tc/task_forces/water_land_interface/meeting_20131213.html
Although the Town Planning Board saw the merit of a public marina in Pak Shek Kok, the application was rejected in the absence of a Government bureau providing policy support. The minutes can be downloaded here.
Fortunately, the policy on supply of supporting facilities for the berthing of vessels is now the subject of a study to be overseen by the Marine Department and the Transport and Housing Bureau.
For more information on the “Review on Berthing and Sheltered Space for Local Vessels in Hong Kong”:
就「香港的本地船隻停泊處及避風泊位檢討」,請參閱 http://www.hfc.org.hk/tc/task_forces/water_land_interface/meeting_20131213.html
26 July 2013
Friends and Members of the Pleasure Boating Alliance,
Government has responded on the lack of mooring spaces, and indicated that it will undertake a review later this year.
We will contact the Marine Department to discuss the brief for that review.
In addition to management of moorings and berthing facilities, the review should also consider the availability of sheltered moorings for unmanned small vessels, and means of access between shore and the vessels.
Your suggestions and comments are welcome.
Kind regards
Paul Zimmerman
政府已對安全繫泊位缺乏問題作出回應 ,同時亦指出檢討在今年稍後時間進行。
Friends and Members of the Pleasure Boating Alliance,
Government has responded on the lack of mooring spaces, and indicated that it will undertake a review later this year.
We will contact the Marine Department to discuss the brief for that review.
In addition to management of moorings and berthing facilities, the review should also consider the availability of sheltered moorings for unmanned small vessels, and means of access between shore and the vessels.
Your suggestions and comments are welcome.
Kind regards
Paul Zimmerman
政府已對安全繫泊位缺乏問題作出回應 ,同時亦指出檢討在今年稍後時間進行。