業界已於2013年4月30日進行了請願活動,單一訴求為:「立即解決船隻泊位不足問題」。新聞稿:www.moorings.hk 。
海事處回應南區區議會的文件 2014年3月 - http://goo.gl/lpzZ9f
南區區議員司馬文遞交的議程文件 2014年3月 - http://goo.gl/7xfUks
Press release: Expansion of Aberdeen Harbour
31 March 2014
Today, Southern District Council will discuss 'The Expansion of Aberdeen Harbour'
As 201, there are over 19,000 vessels in Hong Kong, including 8,491 pleasure vessels. However, total number of sheltered berthing and moorings is only less than 5,000. This shortage in safe berthing and mooring is growing day by day and is limiting the economic development of marine-related industries, including ship-repairing/building, sales of vessels, spare parts and component manufacturing, insurance, etc.
Another major implication is that the cost of mooring has become unaffordable for the common person in Hong Kong. Only the ultra rich can have access to marinas and the cost of moorings sublet in the private market have risen to over HK$20,000/month. This costs restricts private boat ownership and is resulting in a lack of labour skilled in marine activities. This is consistent with the observations by Marine Department which has found it difficult to hire management with marine experience.
There are 344 private moorings and 99 club moorings in Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter for pleasure vessels. However, in the latest statistics provided by MD, the total number of vessels seen in the shelter on 21 September 2013 during Typhoon Usagi was 550, meaning an additional 107 pleasure vessels sought refuge at the shelter without safe and proper moorings.
A petition was held on 30 April 2013 with the industries united in one simple message - 'Safe Moorings NOW!'. See press release at www.moorings.hk .
Paul Zimmerman, Southern District Councillor and CEO of Designing Hong Kong, has urged the government to commission a feasibility study to ascertain the feasibility, costs and benefits of expanding the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelters. (see picture above)
'It is time for the government to look seriously into the failure to provide adequate safe moorings, and the benefits to the economic benefits of growing marine related industries by expanding Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter.' says Paul. He adds 'It is simple to create sheltered waters in Hong Kong for boats, all we need to do is to move the breakwaters and enlarge the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter by 50% to accommodate 1,000 small vessels.'
Marine Department's response to the SDC - March 2014 - http://goo.gl/ih89Nm
Southern District Councillor Paul Zimmerman's agenda item to the council - March 2014 - http://goo.gl/1MTk0k
業界已於2013年4月30日進行了請願活動,單一訴求為:「立即解決船隻泊位不足問題」。新聞稿:www.moorings.hk 。
海事處回應南區區議會的文件 2014年3月 - http://goo.gl/lpzZ9f
南區區議員司馬文遞交的議程文件 2014年3月 - http://goo.gl/7xfUks
Press release: Expansion of Aberdeen Harbour
31 March 2014
Today, Southern District Council will discuss 'The Expansion of Aberdeen Harbour'
As 201, there are over 19,000 vessels in Hong Kong, including 8,491 pleasure vessels. However, total number of sheltered berthing and moorings is only less than 5,000. This shortage in safe berthing and mooring is growing day by day and is limiting the economic development of marine-related industries, including ship-repairing/building, sales of vessels, spare parts and component manufacturing, insurance, etc.
Another major implication is that the cost of mooring has become unaffordable for the common person in Hong Kong. Only the ultra rich can have access to marinas and the cost of moorings sublet in the private market have risen to over HK$20,000/month. This costs restricts private boat ownership and is resulting in a lack of labour skilled in marine activities. This is consistent with the observations by Marine Department which has found it difficult to hire management with marine experience.
There are 344 private moorings and 99 club moorings in Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter for pleasure vessels. However, in the latest statistics provided by MD, the total number of vessels seen in the shelter on 21 September 2013 during Typhoon Usagi was 550, meaning an additional 107 pleasure vessels sought refuge at the shelter without safe and proper moorings.
A petition was held on 30 April 2013 with the industries united in one simple message - 'Safe Moorings NOW!'. See press release at www.moorings.hk .
Paul Zimmerman, Southern District Councillor and CEO of Designing Hong Kong, has urged the government to commission a feasibility study to ascertain the feasibility, costs and benefits of expanding the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelters. (see picture above)
'It is time for the government to look seriously into the failure to provide adequate safe moorings, and the benefits to the economic benefits of growing marine related industries by expanding Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter.' says Paul. He adds 'It is simple to create sheltered waters in Hong Kong for boats, all we need to do is to move the breakwaters and enlarge the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter by 50% to accommodate 1,000 small vessels.'
Marine Department's response to the SDC - March 2014 - http://goo.gl/ih89Nm
Southern District Councillor Paul Zimmerman's agenda item to the council - March 2014 - http://goo.gl/1MTk0k
新聞稿 2013年5月1日- 呼籲擴大海事處改革範圍
昨日,超過60名遊艇業大聯盟、南區造船業總會、「創建香港」、Hong Kong Marine Industry Association、船主、船員及海事行業代表向運輸及房屋局局長遞交一封聯署請願信,要求解決香港的船隻繫泊位嚴重不足的問題。詳情請參 閱:http://www.designinghongkong.com/v3/?p=574
Press release 1 May 2013- Call to expand reform of the Marine Department
Designing Hong Kong Limited welcomes the comprehensive review and fundamental reform of the Marine Department, and the setting up of a Steering Committee on the Systemic Reform of the Marine Department chaired by the Secretary for Transport and Housing.
We agree that there is a need to for an in-depth examination of the existing controls on marine safety, vessel structure and safety equipment. However, we urge the Administration to expand the review and reform beyond the control on local passenger carrying vessels and the safety of passengers. Some examples of failings based on our work:
Over 60 people from an alliance of interests in pleasure boating, including the Southern District Ship Builders Association, Designing Hong Kong, Hong Kong Marine Industry Association, owners and crew of vessels, and management and staff of marine operators, petitioned the Secretary for Transport and Housing yesterday to address the serious shortage of safe moorings in Hong Kong. See http://www.designinghongkong.com/v3/?p=574 for details.
- 由此缺乏安全繫泊位,船隻的安全和海事業的發展一直受到影響。截至2012年年底,海事處已向本港共有12,023艘船用於旅遊、休閒、娛樂、釣魚和水上運動的船隻發牌。但是,全港只有3,230個安全繫泊位,迫使8,000艘船隻使用非安全及非標準方式停泊。
- 處方對缺乏安全的碼頭隻眼開隻眼閉,例如在深水灣及沿香港仔港灣的碼頭。
- 公眾碼頭普遍缺乏無障礙通道及設施。
- 中環渡輪碼頭是專為乘客而設,但是我們每天都見到上落貨物的情況。
- 專門維修船隻的船廠只能以短期租約方式向政府租地,未能吸引廠方就設施作進一步投資,影響層面廣泛。(見布廠灣,鴨利洲海旁道)。
昨日,超過60名遊艇業大聯盟、南區造船業總會、「創建香港」、Hong Kong Marine Industry Association、船主、船員及海事行業代表向運輸及房屋局局長遞交一封聯署請願信,要求解決香港的船隻繫泊位嚴重不足的問題。詳情請參 閱:http://www.designinghongkong.com/v3/?p=574
Press release 1 May 2013- Call to expand reform of the Marine Department
Designing Hong Kong Limited welcomes the comprehensive review and fundamental reform of the Marine Department, and the setting up of a Steering Committee on the Systemic Reform of the Marine Department chaired by the Secretary for Transport and Housing.
We agree that there is a need to for an in-depth examination of the existing controls on marine safety, vessel structure and safety equipment. However, we urge the Administration to expand the review and reform beyond the control on local passenger carrying vessels and the safety of passengers. Some examples of failings based on our work:
- The safety of vessels and the development of the local marine industry is compromised by a lack of safe moorings. At the end of 2012, the Marine Department has issued licences for 12,023 pleasure boats and sampans, but provides only 3,320 safe moorings, forcing over 8,000 boats to moor in unsafe locations and using non-compliant and improvised moorings.
- Unsafe piers such as in Deep Water Bay and along Aberdeen Harbour’s waterfront are tolerated.
- Public piers generally lack barrier-free access.
- The Central Ferry Piers are designed for handling passengers but continue to handle cargo.
- Shipyards required for maintenance of vessels are limited to short-term land tenancies, resulting in low quality facilities (see Po Chong Wan, Ap Lei Chau Praya Road).
Over 60 people from an alliance of interests in pleasure boating, including the Southern District Ship Builders Association, Designing Hong Kong, Hong Kong Marine Industry Association, owners and crew of vessels, and management and staff of marine operators, petitioned the Secretary for Transport and Housing yesterday to address the serious shortage of safe moorings in Hong Kong. See http://www.designinghongkong.com/v3/?p=574 for details.

Mr Kandy Chan (Southern District Ship Builders Association), Paul Zimmerman (Designing Hong Kong), Hong Kong Marine Industry Association, Iand boat owners, crew and staff delivering a petition demanding safe moorings to the Transport and Housing Bureau.
陳基先生 (南區造船業總會) 、司馬文先生(創建香港)、Hong Kong Marine Industry Association、船主、船員及海事行業代表向運輸及房屋局局長遞交一封聯署請願信,要求解決香港的船隻繫泊位嚴重不足的問題。
2013年4月30日,超過60名遊艇業大聯盟、南區造船業總會、「創建香港」、Hong Kong Marine Industry Association、船主、船員及海事行業代表向運輸及房屋局局長遞交一封聯署請願信,要求解決香港的船隻繫泊位嚴重不足的問題。
截至2012年,海事處已向7,920艘遊艇,4,103 艘交通、漁船及舷外機開敞式舢舨發牌,即本港共有12,023艘船用於旅遊、休閒、娛樂、釣魚和水上運動的船隻發牌。但是,私人遊艇碼頭的繫泊位只有 2,280個,私人繫泊位只有950個,即香港總共只有3,230個安全繫泊位。
估計碼頭及私人營運者提供 800個陸上船隻泊位 (陸上存放設施),所以仍然有接近8,000艘船隻無安全泊位,導致船隻繫泊位高價轉租的情況出現。如此,繫泊位短缺造成「水上活動是有錢人玩意」的幻象,普羅大眾無法享受香港壯麗的海岸線和水域資源。
之前的新聞稿鏈結 (2013年3月27日) : 香港仔港灣的危機
Press Release
30 April 2013
Petition of the Secretary for Transport and Housing for safe moorings by the Marine Industry
Hong Kong, 30 April 2013 – Over 60 people from an alliance of interests in pleasure boating, including the Southern District Ship Builders Association, Designing Hong Kong, Hong Kong Marine Industry Association, owners and crew of vessels, and management and staff of marine operators, petitioned the Secretary for Transport and Housing to address the serious shortage of safe moorings in Hong Kong.
The marine industry called on the Government to address the shortfall of safe moorings for the increasing number of boats used for tourism, pleasure, recreation and sports. They also urged for an extension of the deadline for termination of non-compliant moorings in Aberdeen until safe alternative mooring areas have been made available.
At the end of 2012, 7,920 pleasure vessels and 4,103 transportation, fishing and outdoor open sampans – or over 12,023 vessels used for tourism, leisure, recreation, line fishing and water sports had been licensed by the Marine Department. However, only 2,280 moorings in private marinas and 950 private moorings, or 3,230 safe moorings have been made available in Hong Kong.
Taking account of an estimated 800 dry berths (storage facilities on land) offered by marinas and private operators, there is a shortfall of close to 8,000 safe berths. This has resulted in subletting of moorings at high prices, and makes it impossible for people – except for the super rich – to enjoy Hong Kong’s magnificent shore lines and beautiful waters.
The shortfall of sheltered moorings hurts the image of Hong Kong and limits job opportunities in crewing for boats, ship repairs and marine related industries at a time when the fishing industry is seeking alternative jobs to compensate for the trawling ban.
The systemic shortfall has also resulted in oversized vessels moored on undersized moorings. This was aggravated in 2009 when vessels were moved to Aberdeen to make way for construction works in Causeway Bay. Recent enforcement action by the Marine Department against non-compliant moorings in Aberdeen would force boats from their safe moorings at the start of the typhoon season.
The link of previous Press Release (27 March 2013): Aberdeen Harbour in Trouble
2013年4月30日,超過60名遊艇業大聯盟、南區造船業總會、「創建香港」、Hong Kong Marine Industry Association、船主、船員及海事行業代表向運輸及房屋局局長遞交一封聯署請願信,要求解決香港的船隻繫泊位嚴重不足的問題。
截至2012年,海事處已向7,920艘遊艇,4,103 艘交通、漁船及舷外機開敞式舢舨發牌,即本港共有12,023艘船用於旅遊、休閒、娛樂、釣魚和水上運動的船隻發牌。但是,私人遊艇碼頭的繫泊位只有 2,280個,私人繫泊位只有950個,即香港總共只有3,230個安全繫泊位。
估計碼頭及私人營運者提供 800個陸上船隻泊位 (陸上存放設施),所以仍然有接近8,000艘船隻無安全泊位,導致船隻繫泊位高價轉租的情況出現。如此,繫泊位短缺造成「水上活動是有錢人玩意」的幻象,普羅大眾無法享受香港壯麗的海岸線和水域資源。
之前的新聞稿鏈結 (2013年3月27日) : 香港仔港灣的危機
Press Release
30 April 2013
Petition of the Secretary for Transport and Housing for safe moorings by the Marine Industry
Hong Kong, 30 April 2013 – Over 60 people from an alliance of interests in pleasure boating, including the Southern District Ship Builders Association, Designing Hong Kong, Hong Kong Marine Industry Association, owners and crew of vessels, and management and staff of marine operators, petitioned the Secretary for Transport and Housing to address the serious shortage of safe moorings in Hong Kong.
The marine industry called on the Government to address the shortfall of safe moorings for the increasing number of boats used for tourism, pleasure, recreation and sports. They also urged for an extension of the deadline for termination of non-compliant moorings in Aberdeen until safe alternative mooring areas have been made available.
At the end of 2012, 7,920 pleasure vessels and 4,103 transportation, fishing and outdoor open sampans – or over 12,023 vessels used for tourism, leisure, recreation, line fishing and water sports had been licensed by the Marine Department. However, only 2,280 moorings in private marinas and 950 private moorings, or 3,230 safe moorings have been made available in Hong Kong.
Taking account of an estimated 800 dry berths (storage facilities on land) offered by marinas and private operators, there is a shortfall of close to 8,000 safe berths. This has resulted in subletting of moorings at high prices, and makes it impossible for people – except for the super rich – to enjoy Hong Kong’s magnificent shore lines and beautiful waters.
The shortfall of sheltered moorings hurts the image of Hong Kong and limits job opportunities in crewing for boats, ship repairs and marine related industries at a time when the fishing industry is seeking alternative jobs to compensate for the trawling ban.
The systemic shortfall has also resulted in oversized vessels moored on undersized moorings. This was aggravated in 2009 when vessels were moved to Aberdeen to make way for construction works in Causeway Bay. Recent enforcement action by the Marine Department against non-compliant moorings in Aberdeen would force boats from their safe moorings at the start of the typhoon season.
The link of previous Press Release (27 March 2013): Aberdeen Harbour in Trouble
Press Release: Aberdeen Harbour in Trouble 新聞稿: 香港仔港灣的危機
Press Release
27 March 2013
Mid-March, the Marine Department has issued demand letters to 100s of boats in Aberdeen Harbour for exceeding the length of their designated mooring. In addition, others have received notice reminding the owner of the mooring that he must also be the owner of the boat using that mooring. As many private moorings are sublet this is further creating mayhem.
Boat owners have been given two weeks’ notice to vacate their mooring when found in breach. The Marine Department in a meeting this morning refused to extend the notice period till November when the typhoon season ends.
With a dramatic shortfall of sheltered moorings in Hong Kong, an estimated hundred pleasure boats will be left without shelter at the start of the 2013 typhoon season. Rumours have it that a few privately held moorings have seen their rental increase by more than 100% for use next month.
As CEO of Designing Hong Kong we call on Government to urgently create public marine centres throughout Hong Kong, to address the shortfall of safe moorings for the increasing number of boats used for tourism, pleasure, recreation and sports. This shortfall of moorings makes it impossible for people – except for the super rich – to enjoy Hong Kong’s magnificent shore lines and beautiful waters.
Paul Zimmerman
CEO, Designing Hong Kong
海事處在本月中向過百名香港仔港灣私人繫泊區的登記人發出通知,指他們停泊於港灣繫泊區的船隻長度超出指定標準。海事處亦提醒,船隻的登記人與 私人繫泊區的登記人必須為同一個人。由於很多繫泊位存在租上租的情況,此通告為香港仔港灣造成混亂。當局給予登記人兩星期寬限期,要求他們於限期前將違規 的船隻移走。 於今天早上,一批船主與海事處職員會面,要求處方將寬限期延長至11月後,好讓他們能渡過安全風季再重新找舶位,但遭處方即時回絕。 香港安全的船隻停泊位非常短缺,估計有過百艘遊艇於颱風季節來臨時仍無處藏身。有傳言指,個別私人繫泊區的租金將於下月起加租,升幅高達一倍。 作為創建香港的行政總裁,我呼籲政府盡快於香港各區建立公共海事設施中心,以解決安全泊位短缺的問題及預備應付旅遊、康樂和水上運動用途船隻日漸增加的情況。繫泊位短缺造成「水上活動是有錢人玩意」的幻象,普羅大眾無法享受香港壯麗的海岸線和水域資源。
Press Release
27 March 2013
Mid-March, the Marine Department has issued demand letters to 100s of boats in Aberdeen Harbour for exceeding the length of their designated mooring. In addition, others have received notice reminding the owner of the mooring that he must also be the owner of the boat using that mooring. As many private moorings are sublet this is further creating mayhem.
Boat owners have been given two weeks’ notice to vacate their mooring when found in breach. The Marine Department in a meeting this morning refused to extend the notice period till November when the typhoon season ends.
With a dramatic shortfall of sheltered moorings in Hong Kong, an estimated hundred pleasure boats will be left without shelter at the start of the 2013 typhoon season. Rumours have it that a few privately held moorings have seen their rental increase by more than 100% for use next month.
As CEO of Designing Hong Kong we call on Government to urgently create public marine centres throughout Hong Kong, to address the shortfall of safe moorings for the increasing number of boats used for tourism, pleasure, recreation and sports. This shortfall of moorings makes it impossible for people – except for the super rich – to enjoy Hong Kong’s magnificent shore lines and beautiful waters.
Paul Zimmerman
CEO, Designing Hong Kong
海事處在本月中向過百名香港仔港灣私人繫泊區的登記人發出通知,指他們停泊於港灣繫泊區的船隻長度超出指定標準。海事處亦提醒,船隻的登記人與 私人繫泊區的登記人必須為同一個人。由於很多繫泊位存在租上租的情況,此通告為香港仔港灣造成混亂。當局給予登記人兩星期寬限期,要求他們於限期前將違規 的船隻移走。 於今天早上,一批船主與海事處職員會面,要求處方將寬限期延長至11月後,好讓他們能渡過安全風季再重新找舶位,但遭處方即時回絕。 香港安全的船隻停泊位非常短缺,估計有過百艘遊艇於颱風季節來臨時仍無處藏身。有傳言指,個別私人繫泊區的租金將於下月起加租,升幅高達一倍。 作為創建香港的行政總裁,我呼籲政府盡快於香港各區建立公共海事設施中心,以解決安全泊位短缺的問題及預備應付旅遊、康樂和水上運動用途船隻日漸增加的情況。繫泊位短缺造成「水上活動是有錢人玩意」的幻象,普羅大眾無法享受香港壯麗的海岸線和水域資源。
Public marine centre in Tolo Harbour submitted
Press Release
5 February 2013
Proposal for a public marine centre in Tolo Harbour submitted
Hong Kong, 5 February 2013 – Designing Hong Kong has submitted a Section 12a planning application to the Town Planning Board for a public marine center in Tolo Harbour.
The proposal calls for a dry stack for 200 boats and a floating pontoon system for 400 boats at Pak Shek Kok, partially in front of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park. The estimated cost is around HK$200million.
The marine centre will offer affordable mooring of boats, opening up the waters of Tolo Harbour to the community for marine tourism, leisure, recreation, and water sports activities. These activities offer new job opportunities for fishermen displaced by the trawling ban. The man-made shoreline was selected to minimize the ecological impact of building waterfront facilities. The adjacent Science Park offers convenient public transport, and ample parking, retail and restaurant facilities.
“The Hong Kong community deserves public marine centres where they can store boats cheaply. Hong Kong has a spectacular 1,000km coastline, 280 islands, blue waters and white sand beaches. However, boating is restricted to the super rich who can afford a private marina. Facilities are needed for the public to keep boats and water sports equipment safe at a low cost. After all, a surfboard does not fit in your home, you can’t take it on the minibus, you can’t take it on the MTR and few people can afford a car,” said Paul Zimmerman, CEO, Designing Hong Kong Limited.
Pak Shek Kok is one of several locations identified for new facilities in Designing Hong Kong’s research ‘Vibrant Harbours – Water Activation Projects’. Site selection criteria include minimal ecological impacts, presence of leisure marine activities, available land, road access and minimal impact on commercial marine traffic.
The application by Designing Hong Kong, Y/PSK/1, proposes the zoning of a remaining waterfront site at Pak Shek Kok as “Other Specified Uses (Marine Centre)” and “Open Space”. The public can submit comments to the Town Planning Board until 22 February 2013. The same site is proposed to be zoned Residential (Group B) in the new draft Outline Zoning Plan S/PSK/10 for Pak Shek Kok (East) which is open for public comments until 18 March 2013. Designing Hong Kong does not consider this a conflict, as both plans can be combined.
“Implementation of the Public Marine Centre in Tolo Harbour will be a matter of Government to decide on. One option is to include the construction of the marine centre as a ‘Built-Transfer’ requirement with future residential land sales at Pak Shek Kok. Once built, the facilities can be operated by existing or new not-for-profit organisations,” Paul Zimmerman explained.
1. Planning Statement
For more information:
1. http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/en/plan_application/Y_PSK_1.html
2. Call Debby Chan at 3104 3107
Press Release
5 February 2013
Proposal for a public marine centre in Tolo Harbour submitted
Hong Kong, 5 February 2013 – Designing Hong Kong has submitted a Section 12a planning application to the Town Planning Board for a public marine center in Tolo Harbour.
The proposal calls for a dry stack for 200 boats and a floating pontoon system for 400 boats at Pak Shek Kok, partially in front of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park. The estimated cost is around HK$200million.
The marine centre will offer affordable mooring of boats, opening up the waters of Tolo Harbour to the community for marine tourism, leisure, recreation, and water sports activities. These activities offer new job opportunities for fishermen displaced by the trawling ban. The man-made shoreline was selected to minimize the ecological impact of building waterfront facilities. The adjacent Science Park offers convenient public transport, and ample parking, retail and restaurant facilities.
“The Hong Kong community deserves public marine centres where they can store boats cheaply. Hong Kong has a spectacular 1,000km coastline, 280 islands, blue waters and white sand beaches. However, boating is restricted to the super rich who can afford a private marina. Facilities are needed for the public to keep boats and water sports equipment safe at a low cost. After all, a surfboard does not fit in your home, you can’t take it on the minibus, you can’t take it on the MTR and few people can afford a car,” said Paul Zimmerman, CEO, Designing Hong Kong Limited.
Pak Shek Kok is one of several locations identified for new facilities in Designing Hong Kong’s research ‘Vibrant Harbours – Water Activation Projects’. Site selection criteria include minimal ecological impacts, presence of leisure marine activities, available land, road access and minimal impact on commercial marine traffic.
The application by Designing Hong Kong, Y/PSK/1, proposes the zoning of a remaining waterfront site at Pak Shek Kok as “Other Specified Uses (Marine Centre)” and “Open Space”. The public can submit comments to the Town Planning Board until 22 February 2013. The same site is proposed to be zoned Residential (Group B) in the new draft Outline Zoning Plan S/PSK/10 for Pak Shek Kok (East) which is open for public comments until 18 March 2013. Designing Hong Kong does not consider this a conflict, as both plans can be combined.
“Implementation of the Public Marine Centre in Tolo Harbour will be a matter of Government to decide on. One option is to include the construction of the marine centre as a ‘Built-Transfer’ requirement with future residential land sales at Pak Shek Kok. Once built, the facilities can be operated by existing or new not-for-profit organisations,” Paul Zimmerman explained.
1. Planning Statement
For more information:
1. http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/en/plan_application/Y_PSK_1.html
2. Call Debby Chan at 3104 3107
早前創建香港根據《城市規劃條例》第12A條提出申 請修訂土地用途,用於吐露港興建公共海事設施中心。
計劃於白石角香港科技園前方興建之設施包括可存放 200艘船的船隻儲存倉,以及可停泊400艘船的浮 橋系統。整個計劃造價預計約需2億港幣。
擬議海事設施中心提供足夠的船隻停泊位置,開放吐露 港,發展海岸旅遊、休閒娛樂服務及水上運動。同時, 此計劃能為因禁止拖網捕魚而失去生計的漁民提供工作 機會。而該地是新近填海所得,進行建設對生態的影響 極微。鄰近科技園既有的公共交通服務、停車位與零售 及飲食商舖亦可為計劃的配套設施,更有效地使用現有 資源。
創建香港行政總裁司馬文稱:「香港應該有一個公共海 事設施中心,是收費便宜且可讓人擺放船隻。本港擁有 一條長1000公里的壯觀海岸線、280個島嶼、湛 藍的海洋、白色沙灘……可惜的是只有超級富豪才會有 一個合適的空間安心地存放船隻或水上運動器材。你的 滑浪板不能放在家、又不可以帶上小巴或港鐵,亦不是 人人有車。」
創建香港曾經做過一個名為「共建活力海濱」的研究, 列出可興建水上康樂配套設施的地點。選址條件包括: 非生態敏感地帶、現有消閒水上活動地區、可用土地、 有道路連接以及對海路運輸的影響盡量少。白石角就是 其中一個。
是次的申請編號為Y/PSK/1,建議修訂該地區用 途為「其他(海事設施中心)」和「休憩用地」。公眾 可以在今年2月22日或以前就申請書向城規會提交意 見。同時,白石角東分區計劃大綱修訂圖建議將該地改 為「住宅( 乙類)」亦正收集市民意見,截止日期為今年3月18日。本公司認為兩項建議之間並無衝突,可以合併。
司馬文解釋:「政府應慎重考慮在吐露港興建公共海事 設施中心一事。政府可以選擇未來在售賣鄰近住宅地時 加設一條條款讓該私人發展商興建,落成後則交由非牟 利機構管理。」
1. 計劃陳述
1. http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/tc/plan_application/Y_PSK_1.html
2. 致電 Debby Chan 3104 3107
早前創建香港根據《城市規劃條例》第12A條提出申 請修訂土地用途,用於吐露港興建公共海事設施中心。
計劃於白石角香港科技園前方興建之設施包括可存放 200艘船的船隻儲存倉,以及可停泊400艘船的浮 橋系統。整個計劃造價預計約需2億港幣。
擬議海事設施中心提供足夠的船隻停泊位置,開放吐露 港,發展海岸旅遊、休閒娛樂服務及水上運動。同時, 此計劃能為因禁止拖網捕魚而失去生計的漁民提供工作 機會。而該地是新近填海所得,進行建設對生態的影響 極微。鄰近科技園既有的公共交通服務、停車位與零售 及飲食商舖亦可為計劃的配套設施,更有效地使用現有 資源。
創建香港行政總裁司馬文稱:「香港應該有一個公共海 事設施中心,是收費便宜且可讓人擺放船隻。本港擁有 一條長1000公里的壯觀海岸線、280個島嶼、湛 藍的海洋、白色沙灘……可惜的是只有超級富豪才會有 一個合適的空間安心地存放船隻或水上運動器材。你的 滑浪板不能放在家、又不可以帶上小巴或港鐵,亦不是 人人有車。」
創建香港曾經做過一個名為「共建活力海濱」的研究, 列出可興建水上康樂配套設施的地點。選址條件包括: 非生態敏感地帶、現有消閒水上活動地區、可用土地、 有道路連接以及對海路運輸的影響盡量少。白石角就是 其中一個。
是次的申請編號為Y/PSK/1,建議修訂該地區用 途為「其他(海事設施中心)」和「休憩用地」。公眾 可以在今年2月22日或以前就申請書向城規會提交意 見。同時,白石角東分區計劃大綱修訂圖建議將該地改 為「住宅( 乙類)」亦正收集市民意見,截止日期為今年3月18日。本公司認為兩項建議之間並無衝突,可以合併。
司馬文解釋:「政府應慎重考慮在吐露港興建公共海事 設施中心一事。政府可以選擇未來在售賣鄰近住宅地時 加設一條條款讓該私人發展商興建,落成後則交由非牟 利機構管理。」
1. 計劃陳述
1. http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/tc/plan_application/Y_PSK_1.html
2. 致電 Debby Chan 3104 3107